Keeping your account safe and secure is our highest priority. We continue to partner with SHAZAM, our debit card processor, to implement additional authentication known as Mastercard Identity Check.
One of the most prevalent and devastating forms of elder abuse is financial exploitation. As our population ages, older adults become increasingly vulnerable to individuals who seek to exploit their financial resources.
Phone spoofing is a technique used by scammers to make it appear as though they are calling from a different phone number than the one they are actually using.
Being a Secret Shopper sounds like fun, until you find out it's a scam and you're left on the hook for the funds. While legitimate mystery shopping opportunities exist, so do plenty of scams. If an opportunity is on the up and up, you won't have to pay them or deposit a check and wire money, send money orders or send gift cards on to someone else.
If you've recently received an "Official Check" from BLC Community Bank, for a large dollar amount you weren't expecting... you can bet it's a scam. The check may look real and be signed by a BLC employee, but these checks are nonetheless fake. According to the FTC, check scams are on the rise. Before you deposit a check you weren't expecting or wire funds to an unknown recipient, do a little digging.
Preparation for tax season has begun, which means criminals and fraudsters are already busy deploying their next scam. Tax season typically brings about an influx of phishing scams with the intent of siphoning personal and financial data from unsuspecting victims.
At BLC Community Bank we have tips and resources to empower you in the fight against fraud. And the more you understand about fraud, the better prepared you are to help us fight fraud and keep your financial accounts safe.
Most people looking at their bank statements would probably notice if their credit or debit card were used without their approval to purchase a big ticket item, and they would quickly call their bank or card issuer to report the error or fraudulent transaction.
Did you know that more than $36 billion dollars is stolen from seniors each year? If you’re worried that someone might be taking financial advantage of an elderly loved one it’s important to know how to spot the signs and what to do about it.
How protected are your online accounts? If you have a post-it with your passwords written on under your keyboard, you may want to check out these tips for making your accounts more secure.